Hot Water Extraction
This method of carpet cleaning is the the recognised system to keep your carpet warranty intact and is recommended by shaw industries which are the largest carpet manufacturers in the world. hot water is sprayed under pressure of approximately 150 psi and is partially atomized through fine jets to effectively clean each individual fibre. It is simultaneously vacuumed with airflow no less than 240 CFM.
As all spots, stains and soil have already been treated, the hot water extraction action leaves the carpet completely clean and free of all contaminants. many additional solutions can be incorporated into the hot water to deodorise, sanitize or PH neutralise. Heat is an important element in cleaning and water not hot enough or too hot can limit the results and cause damage as can insufficient vacuum recovery power.
Spray extraction machines are low cost and low power versions of this system and are sometimes available to rent in shopping centers and rental outlets but should never be confused with a professional hot water extraction unit.